
A Moment of Victory – “Waiting for the LORD”

Waiting.  Now there is something most Americans are terrible at doing.

Why does road rage happen?  Why are people rude to their waitress?  Why is online shopping so popular?  It’s because we don’t like to wait.  And yet, even though American life is more convenient than ever, can waiting be avoided?  No.  It is still part of life.

Sometimes our personal “waiting challenge” spikes to a difficult degree.  In a rocky relationship, is it easy to wait on someone to change?  Is it easy to wait for a cancer doctor’s diagnosis?  Is it easy to wait when questions are alive in your heart more than answers about the future?

No, it’s not.

But the LORD offers relief.  Today’s Bible verse announces, “I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope (Psalm 130:5).”   The Bible simply encourages us to wait for the LORD.  We can wait on the LORD and his timing.  We can wait on the LORD and his wisdom.  We can wait on the LORD, because, well, he is the LORD!  He can do many things we cannot do.  

The LORD promises to work good out of all things for those who love him.  He promises to rescue the righteous from evil anytime and every time it appears.  No matter how rugged, he will always lead you through the valley.  No matter how deep, he will always carry you across the river.  No matter how dark, you will always have God’s light.  And ultimately, God assures you of life after death.  Sadness is not the end, but joy!  Frustration is not long-term, but peace certainly is!  In Christ, even though we die, God gives life!  

In God’s Word, we put our hope.  And without even trying, we will get a little better at waiting.

Prayer: In hopelessness and near despair, I cry to you, my Savior!  My guilt is more than I can bear.  I have not earned your favor.  You know me as I really am – how much is truth, how much is sham.  Why should you heed my pleading?  I tremble as I feel your hand, expecting retribution.  Yet – here no curse or reprimand, but grace and absolution!  With you, there is forgiveness, Lord; you speak the sweet, consoling Word, and I am sure you love me!  Amen

Note – today’s prayer is two verses from the hymn, “In Hopelessness and Near Despair.”  This hymn is  written by Jaroslav Vajda, and is based on Psalm 130.  Vajda’s hymn is also a recasting of Martin Luther’s great penitential hymn, “From Depths of Woe I Cry to You.” 

Nathan Buege
Pastor, Victory of the Lamb Lutheran Church
Katy, TX

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