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Bible 101

A Safe Place to Find Answers About God

What does unconditional love actually look like? What's so special about the Bible? What does God think about you?  What did Jesus really teach? And does any of it matter for your life today?

Bible 101 is a 3-lesson course that takes a fair, honest look at the main teachings of Christianity as they are found in the Bible. No matter what your religious beliefs or spiritual background, whether you've studied the Bible for years or have never cracked the cover, this class is for you!

Before you make up your mind about church or religion, you owe it to yourself to hear what the Bible actually says – about God’s love for you, his great exchange, his truth, and his plan for your life.  For those who want to continue on, Bible 101 is followed by Bible 201 (6 sessions) and Bible 301 (6 sessions).

Come enjoy a cup of coffee and explore the Bible in a relaxed, non-judgmental setting.

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