
Blessed Because of Our Marriage

33 (Husbands), each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.                                                                                                                                        – Ephesians 5:33

There aren’t many gifts of God more precious to mankind than his gift of marriage.  There also aren’t many gifts of God more vigorously attacked by Satan.  He knows that if he can destroy a marriage, he can cause all kinds of pain and suffering.  So he unleashes the desire for sex before you’re married.  Or the desire for sex with someone else while you’re married.  Pornography.  Unforgiveness.  Loneliness.  Blaming others.  Disrespectful words.  An obsession that the “grass is greener on the other side of the fence.”  Satan tramples God’s gift of marriage whenever possible.  It’s what he loves to do.

Husbands – don’t give Satan a reason to celebrate today.  Kick him in the teeth, and love your wife.  Study what makes her tick all the days of your life, because she is going to change as the years pass by.  There’s no need to be studying another woman.  Hold your temper as you discover when to patiently give space and when to lovingly give attention.  Own your mistakes, and be ready to apologize and forgive sooner rather than later.  Love your bride as much as Jesus loves her.  She is someone for whom God wanted to die!

Wives – don’t give Satan one ounce of evil joy.  Shove his temptations to the curb, and respect your husband.  Listen to his needs.  Keep listening all your life, because his needs are going to change as time goes on.  There’s no reason to listen to another man.  Let there be no cold shoulders in your home as you discover when to patiently give him space and when to lovingly give him attention.  Own your mistakes, and be ready to apologize and forgive sooner rather than later.  Respect your husband as much as Jesus respects him.  He is someone for whom God wanted to die!

Husbands’ Prayer – Almighty God, bless our marriage.  You have won the victory already on behalf of my wife.  There are so many ways that Satan whispers lies to her, Lord.  He wants her to feel unworthy and unloved.  Give me your words of truth to remind her of her incredible worth.  Let my life reflect the love you have had for both of us.  Help me to love, encourage and serve her in my high and holy calling as her husband.  Amen.

Wives’ Prayer – Almighty God, bless our marriage.  You have already won the victory on behalf of my husband.  There are so many ways that Satan tries to entice him, Lord.  Keep those who would entice him far away, Lord.  When tempted, give him wisdom to see where this sin leads, and make him quick to run.  Give him times of rest, and don’t let him be overwhelmed by the demands of work.  Help me to show him respect and appreciation for all he does to serve our family.  Amen.

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