Triune, means three in one…three persons, one God!
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!
It can be a hard concept for us to understand but that’s a good thing!
Martin Luther once said, “If you can not understand how God is one God and three persons, give God credit for being smarter than you are…”
Join us for today’s devotion as we look at Isaiah 55:9 and see how God is triune.
We hope you enjoy this message!
To watch by video, click here: Characteristics of God: Triune
To listen, click here: Characteristics of God: Triune
Prayer: “Speak, Lord for your servant is listening.” (1 Samuel 3:9) May these word of Samuel always be in our hearts and minds as we read and study your Word. There are times were parts of your Word may not make sense to our human wisdom. In those times, we ask that you send your Spirit to strengthen our faith in the truth of your Word. Amen.
Nathan Buege
Pastor, Victory of the Lamb Lutheran Church
Katy, TX
“There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” – Romans 8:1
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