
Christian Endurance-Job Found Peace in Dust and Ashes

On your face with dust and ashes…

that doesn’t sound like a great place to be, does it?  

Not many people like to admit they were wrong, but when we do that connected with a forgiving God… it is the BEST possible course of action. Job was in dust and ashes, yet found peace there! 

A powerful verse is, “The one who trusts in Christ is never put to shame”, and Job found all of that out one time when he repented and was never sorry when he did so!  

To listen, click here: Christian Endurance-Job Found Peace in Dust and Ashes 
To watch it by video, click here: Christian Endurance-Job Found Peace in Dust and Ashe
Dear Father, 
The one who trusts in Christ is never put to shame. You remind us of that, Lord. Whenever we face hardship, continually give us confidence and peace that you are always in control. Lead our hearts to trust in you and you alone. Continually give us stamina and endurance in the face of any adversity.  When it seems like there are many difficult situations that seem impossible to overcome, give us reassurance that our Redeemer lives. When we are in turmoil or pain, reassure us that these problems are only temporary compared to the glory we will see in heaven–which is a peace that lasts forever! 


Nathan Buege
Pastor, Victory of the Lamb Lutheran Church
Katy, TX

“There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” – Romans 8:1
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