Wouldn’t you like all of that and more for your faith?
Of course, you would!
And by God’s grace, you can have it!
In today’s devotion, we’re going to start a series looking at the life of Job! We’ll kick it off by talking about how you finish where you started!
What does that mean? Let’s look at how Job went from the richest man in the world to having everything taken away…
To listen, click here: Christian Endurance- Job Would Finish As He Started
To watch it by video, click here: Christian Endurance- Job Would Finish As He Started
Dear Father, continually give us stamina and endurance in the face of any adversity. When tragedy or strife hits, let us look to you and your promises always. Let us have the same attitude as Job who said, “Naked I came into this world, naked I shall leave, the Lord gives, the Lord takes away. Let the name of the Lord be praised.” Let us have the same strong attitude when we experience loss and look to you and your promises. For you have given us all that we need in our body and life. Give us strength and endurance in the face of all adversity. For we know that these troubles that we have here are only temporary. Give us the reassurance that we are only strangers here, heaven is our home.
Nathan Buege
Pastor, Victory of the Lamb Lutheran Church
Katy, TX
“There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” – Romans 8:1
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