
Easter Means Boundaries Can Be Pleasant

Hello everyone!

He has risen! He has risen indeed!

Boundaries, Boundaries, Boundaries…

That’s a part of earthly life, isn’t it?!

You aren’t all-powerful.

You can’t be everywhere at once.

You aren’t all-knowing.

You and every other human must live with boundaries, we have to make choices! Despite what the world says, you can’t have it all!

Join us for today’s devotion as we look at Psalm 16:5-6 and find confidence and peace knowing that the God who we trust, has no boundaries!

To listen click here: Easter Means Boundaries Can Be Pleasant Places

To watch it by video, click here: Easter Means Boundaries Can Be Pleasant Places


Dear Lord,
You set the boundaries in pleasant places for us! Help us realize that fact as we continue to celebrate Easter. Help us also realize that apart from you, we can do nothing. It is by you and you alone that we are in your glory. Be our strength when we have sorrow, give us comfort when are troubled, and give us peace when we are in turmoil. It is to our delight that these boundaries have fallen into pleasant places. You gave us our delightful inheritance and let our hearts be glad and our tongues rejoice in that inheritance because you will never abandon us to the grave. Both now and forever.

Nathan Buege
Pastor, Victory of the Lamb Lutheran Church
Katy, TX

“There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” – Romans 8:1
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