
Endure Hardships as Sons

Who enjoys hardship?  Not me!  And probably not you either.

However, hardship is unavoidable during our earthly lives.  It comes in waves, and it can easily overwhelm.  Here’s an important question: Will you handle hardship alone, without God?  Or will you handle hardship in such a manner that draws you even closer to him than before?

When we see hardship as something that comes from the hand of an interested God who loves us, rather than from a unsettled God who hates us, everything changes.  We are someone whom God cares for deeply.  That means we can endure hardship as a son, and not as an enemy.

Watch the “Endure Hardship As Sons ” message by video here:

Listen to the “Endure Hardship As Sons” message on podcast here:

And here is a prayer for today: 

Holy Heavenly Father, you have a long history of delivering your people from hardship at just the right time, and in just the right way.  Bring us relief from the hardships we are facing today, if that be your will.  Rescue us from the plagues of this sinful world.  Help us to trust that when hardship comes, it is not a tool to drive us away from you, but instead a tool for you to draw us closer.  As we endure hardship as sons of yours, fix our eyes upon your Son, Jesus Christ, through whom you delivered us from sin, death and hell, and who now sits at your right hand in glory.  The more we think about him, the easier it is to endure hardship as sons.  Amen.

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