
Everything Happens for This Reason

How do you comfort yourself when things go wrong?

Have you ever had someone tell you, “Everything happens for a reason!”?

You might wonder, if so…what reason would that be?

Today we’ll look at Philippians 1:12-14 and get some insight on how the disciple Paul looked at hard times when he was thrown in prison for preaching the gospel!

Watch the message by video here: Everything Happens for This Reason!
Listen to the message on the podcast here: Everything Happens for This Reason!

Today’s Prayer:

Dear Lord,

We know that you work in all things. In times of trouble let us always look to you, Lord.  Do not let our hearts be discouraged or full of resenting, Lord. Rather, let our hearts be filled with joy and trust in you and your promises. Those promises are a gift given to us. First, by your Son through Christ; that he lived and died for each one of us. As a result, our sins are forgiven!  Second, that you have given us the gift of eternal life and hope in heaven. Lord, as you tell us in 2 Corinthians 4, let us not focus on what is seen, but is unseen. For these momentary troubles are only temporary, but what is waiting for us, far outweighs them all (2 Corinthians 4:16-18). 

In your name, now and always


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