Feelings are powerful! And everyone has them! But they can also powerfully push you in the wrong direction.
Be sure that your feelings are in line with God’s holy truth. Listen to his facts more than you listen to your feelings. Then, you’ll stay on Christ, the solid rock – even while all the ground around you is sinking sand.
Here is a link for today’s devotion on Psalm 43: https://youtu.be/0KHnvI1h4QU
Heavenly Father, you are the one who created feelings and emotions for human beings to have. Give me wisdom, so that my feelings stay in line with your holy Word. That is where I find eternal facts that are always true! Send me your strength, which slippery emotions cannot give: the assurance of your presence, the peace of your pardon, and the courage to love you and those around me going forward. Lord, give me such a faith as this! Amen.
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