
God Give the Gift of Suffering?

Merry Christmas!  I’m sure you’ve been planning gifts you’ll give to others, and gifts you hope to receive this season.  

God gives us a gift at Christmas…  

I know you are probably thinking about the gift of baby Jesus in a manger, and that’s true!  But there are two gifts connected with Jesus that we might not think of at first–belief in him and suffering for him.

Let’s look at Philippians 1:29 together and discuss these two gifts we receive while connected to Jesus! 

Watch the message by video here: “God Gives the Gift of…Suffering”

Listen to the message on the podcast here: “God Gives the Gift of…Suffering

Today’s Prayer:

Dear Lord,
You have given us the perfect gift of your Son, Jesus! Cause our faith to grow in that fact even when we have sufferings here on earth. Help us not be focused on the things of this world but on heavenly things. That as we go through our lives with many sufferings, be with us and strengthen us. For you are our refuge and stronghold; our sure defense. As we experience many other blessings and troubles, let us look forward to our heavenly goal and what you have in store for us. It is a great and wonderful gift!

Through your Son…

In your name, now and always


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