
Greedy Lies Backfire!

Oh, it seemed like nobody would know.  Oh, it seemed so beneficial in the end!  Doesn’t everyone drop a little white lie every now and then?

Yet, those greedy lies – even though we call them “little” and everyone else seems to be saying them – they will always backfire.  Today, in the life of David, we see that very thing taking place.

“Greedy Lies Backfire!” is a message you can watch by video here:

Listen to the “Greedy Lies Backfire!” message on podcast here:

And here is a prayer for today: 

Gracious God, it isn’t hard to find someone I could take advantage of today, if I really wanted to.  And it isn’t hard to let fear drive, so that I can protect my turf and get more for myself.  But you have put many people around me so that I can serve and love them, not take advantage of them.  Delete from my thoughts any desire to say greedy lies.  Put to death in my heart any cold-heartedness that exists.  Again and again in Scripture, you pay particular attention to many people – especially those who are vulnerable – and how they are treated.  Give me that same compassion that you have, Lord.  It’s in your name I pray, Amen.

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