
He Will Be Your Peace

PEACE.  It is so desired, yet so difficult to find – at least on this planet.  But do you know what?  The more you think about Jesus Christ coming from heaven to earth to be your Savior, the peace seeps in and the fears are squeezed out.  Jesus himself is our peace!  Enjoy today’s devotion from Micah 5:

And here is a prayer for today:

Dear Lord Jesus, since the Garden of Eden, Satan has been directing human eyes away from you and toward his lies, accusations, and upheaval in our world.  But you came to be my peace.  Fix my eyes on you and you alone, as you stand and shepherd me with your majestic strength.  Assure me that your greatness reaches to the ends of the earth, and that means that Satan’s destruction reaches to the ends of the earth as well!  Thank you for becoming man, and not being ashamed to call us your brothers and sisters.  Come, Lord Jesus!  Be our peace today!  I pray all of this in your holy, saving name. Amen. 

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