
He Will Deliver Me

In 1971, David Vetter was born in Houston, Texas with some significant health problems.  He had severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) – a disease which dramatically weakens the immune system.  Any infection or virus would likely prove to be fatal for him.  So David’s doctors, as soon as he was born, placed him in a germ-free, plastic bubble environment.  Initial plans for a bone marrow transplant came to a halt when it was determined that his sister was not a match.  So David had no choice but to live in his bubble.  And that’s what he did, until he died at the age of twelve.

Sometimes we might think that life “in the bubble” would be a great way to live.  Then, we’d be sheltered from someone greedy taking advantage of us.  And we’d be better able to control everything, and make sure that our feelings would never get hurt.  Would there ever be a pit in our stomach because we saw something terrible, or had to deal with a conflict?  In the bubble, wouldn’t we always get the time alone that we crave, times when nobody could bother us?  People might yell at us, but we couldn’t hear them at all.  Life “in the bubble” certainly would have its perks, right?

And yet, I don’t think any of us would trade our lives with David Vetter.

The LORD has not given any of us a life “in the bubble” that is immune from temptation or trouble.  But he also has not given us a life where we’re left alone.  Instead, he gives us a way to cope with this temporary life of struggle and loss.  “The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them (Psalm 34:7).”  His angel is always camped around us.  His love is always looking out for us.  His protection is always reliable.  We might be crushed, but never destroyed.  And – as we pray every time we say the Lord’s Prayer – he will always deliver us from evil.

That means that even though you aren’t immune from temptation, trial and trouble now…one day you will be!  Because heaven is your home!  Jesus Christ promises that his blood cleanses us from all sin, and that the minute our earthly life ends, any and all problems stop for eternity.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for giving me a life that is not “in the bubble.”  Even though life on this earth is challenging, difficult and sometimes heartbreaking, it is never overwhelming, for I’m under your holy, heavenly care.  I am never alone.  The next time I’m deeply impacted by trial, trouble and temptation, encourage me that your angels are always camped around me.  Lift me up, give me peace, and set my heart on things above…because there, in the holy heights, you give me what I’ve always dreamed of…a life free from trial, trouble and temptation of every kind!  Amen.

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