
Jesus Can Sympathize

Do people understand what you’re going through?  Do they “get” what it’s like to be in your shoes?

Feeling understood is such a special, unique feeling.  It is often found in happy marriages, and is something only close friends can accomplish.  To help someone feel understood requires tremendous listening and empathy.  To be understood should never be taken for granted, because feeling misunderstood is so  frustrating.  Does anything create loneliness faster than to be constantly misunderstood?

But there’s no reason to ever be lonely from God because you’re misunderstood.  Here’s one of the most fascinating details about God: even though he is very mighty, he is also very tenderhearted.  He’s a fantastic listener.  He’s always present.  He always knows what you’re going through.  The Scripture says, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are – yet was without sin (Hebrews 4:15).”      

Ever been harassed by the devil?  Ever been offered a sinful shortcut?  Jesus knows how relentless the devil can be as he comes at you in waves. Has a close friend betrayed you?  Have you been ignored even though you had helpful advice to offer?  Jesus knows how that feels too.  He didn’t just sit on some golden, heavenly throne in the sky.  He didn’t just do what’s convenient, and he wasn’t detached from worldly chaos.  Instead of being aloof, he rolled up his sleeves.  He came to earth.  He laid down his life.  And he rose from the dead.

When we are harassed by the devil, as we pray to Jesus for help, we are praying to someone who has “been there.”  When we are wounded by a friend, and we cry to Jesus because it hurts, Jesus knows how that feels.  What a friend we have in Jesus!  So powerful, so empathetic.

And best of all – so perfect.

Prayer:   Heavenly Father, since the very beginning, Satan has been directing human eyes away from you and your Word, and instead toward his lies and accusations.  But now, during this season of Lent, fix my eyes on your one and only Son, Jesus Christ.  It was his joy to endure the cross for my sake.  He rose from the dead in complete victory!  He destroyed the work of the devil!  He is not ashamed to call us his brothers and sisters.  So, let me always see Jesus – the strength of my heart, the joy of my life, and the hope of my salvation.  In his holy name I pray, Amen.

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