
Jesus Filled with Compassion!

Have you ever looked out into the world and wondered…

Does God have any compassion?  Does He care AT ALL about what’s going on in my life right now?

Well, the pages of the bible are FULL of examples when God does have compassion.  More compassion than you would ever guess!

Join us for today’s devotion as we look at one of those examples early on in Jesus’ ministry in Mark 1:40-42.

We hope you enjoy this message! 

To watch by video, click here:  Jesus: Filled with Compassion
To listen, click here:  Jesus: Filled with Compassion

Prayer: Heavenly Father, so often the devil twists and warps the way we think about God.  We are tempted to think that a compassionate God would never allow suffering to enter the lives of his people.  We are told that a compassionate God would never insist that his holy commandments are the standard by which all people should live their lives.  Forgive us for believing these lies, Lord!  Turn us instead to your Word, where we find that your compassion exists for sinners who deserve only your wrath, and that mercy is brand new every morning.  Because you are compassionate, you sent Jesus as our Savior so that, by faith in him alone, we have eternal life.  We thank you for being filled with compassion!  Amen.

Nathan Buege
Pastor, Victory of the Lamb Lutheran Church
Katy, TX

“There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” – Romans 8:1
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