
Keep Marching! Come On! Let’s Go!

What fills your mind when you hear that?  

Maybe you think of a coach on the sidelines, soldiers marching off into battle, or a team of doctors or nurses scrambling around during an emergency.

Or maybe you’re thinking what the apostle Paul was thinking…

Join us as we listen to Philippians 3:12 together and see how we can press on and not be distracted as Christians. 

We hope you enjoy this message! If you have any questions you can email us at:

Watch the message by video here: “Christian, Press On!”

Listen to the message on the podcast here: “Christian, Press On!”

Today’s Prayer:

Dear Lord,
Give us the strength to press on in our lives, Lord. Compel us to live our lives not focused on the things of this world, but rather on you and your Word. Direct our lives to press on with our eyes fixated on you and you alone. Glorify us as we march on to our heavenly goal. Bless our lives as we continue to move forward focused on something that is worth more than anything; which is you, Lord!  

We ask this in your name, now and always


Nathan Buege
Pastor, Victory of the Lamb Lutheran Church
Katy, TX

“There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” – Romans 8:1
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