
Old Testament Gem: To God, You Are a Jewel

Have you ever thought of yourself as a gem in the eyes of God?

In today’s devotion we’ll look at Zechariah 9.  Even though we are imperfect, we are a crowned jewel to the Lord. It’s hard to believe that we’re that precious to him!

We hope you find comfort in this verse and devotion. God bless your time in His Word!

To listen to this message on podcast, click  Old Testament Gem: To God, You Are a Jewel


Dear Savior, your mercy is new every morning, and today is no exception.  Incredibly, you call me your jewel.  You took a terrifying trip to the cross because you thought I was worth it.  You powerfully rose from the dead in glory, in order to give me glory.  You call me a jewel in your crown, which is far better than silver or gold or anything else!  Give me thanks today that is deeply rooted.  I love you, Jesus!  I’m so honored that you think of me as your jewel.  In your saving name I pray, Amen

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