
Patience, Patience, Patience

Patience, Patience, Patience!

Wouldn’t you like a life where we didn’t even need patience?  You know, the kind of life when you got everything right away without any difficulty?  But because that rarely happens, patience is important.

David had quite a bumpy road from childhood to palace.  During the roughly 25 years from the day he was anointed king by the prophet Samuel to the day when he actually became king at age 37, he needed patience!  Most of those years were rocky and uncertain…yet David was patient as he trusted in God’s promises.  Join us today as we look at 2 Samuel 5:1-3 and learn from his actions. 

“Patience…Patience…Patience…” is a message you can watch by video here:

Listen to the “Patience…Patience…Patience…” message on podcast here:

And here is a prayer for today: 

O God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who alone gives gracious strength to act and patience to endure, you have promised to bring relief from all our distresses.  Over the years, there are many times when you have sustained us in times of despair.  Help us follow you to the end.  Give us strength to conquer hopeless brooding and impatient irritability.  Strengthen our faith so completely that we never openly complain against you, or secretly harbor doubts in what you say.  Help us to remember during times of discouragement the many times when you have showed mercy in the past. Give me patience to trust you so that even when the recovery is slow, it will all work for the upbuilding of your holy kingdom.  It’s in your name I pray, Amen.

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