
Peace That Lasts…And Lasts..And Lasts

A student enjoys the peaceful satisfaction that comes from acing a test.  But isn’t there always going to be another test?

A patient enjoys the peaceful euphoria from receiving an “all clear” announcement from their doctor.  But does that mean “all clear” forever?

A homeowner enjoys the peaceful reality that their home has gone up in value and their mortgage is almost paid off.  But how much longer will they be able to live there before they’re forced to make a change?

A husband and wife enjoy a peaceful weekend away to smooth things over after a few weeks that are busy and stressful.  They are both so happy when they return home!  But are they guaranteed to never have a busy, stressful stretch again?

The trouble with earthly peace – the kind that comes from mental health, physical health, financial health or relationship health – is that it never lasts.  It feels good for a little while.  It’s helpful.  It makes life convenient and fun.  The good vibes might even last as long as a few weeks, months, years or even decades.  But eventually earthly peace ends.  It falls short.  It wears out.  It fades.  It changes.  Here’s the deal: every earthly comfort – eventually turns into vapor.

That’s why Jesus Christ declares, “in ME you may have peace.”  Jesus Christ knows how fleeting earthly comforts are, and that is exactly why he came.  Jesus is risen from the dead, and that means he never ends.  Jesus Christ never falls short, even when it appears that he has.  Jesus Christ never wears thin, and he never fades even one degree.  Jesus Christ never needs any assistance either.  All by himself, he offers peace that is real.  It’s why he said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world, you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world (John 16:33).”

Enjoy earthly comforts while they are around!  But don’t ever attach your heart to them as though you’re entitled to them.  Earthly entitlements = un-peace eventually.  There are no exceptions.  Beautiful, powerful, untainted, lasting peace is found only in Christ alone.  He alone has overcome the world for us.

Prayer:  Almighty and everlasting God, you alone are the comfort of the sad and the strength of those who suffer.  Build us up with the assurance that you live, and we will live too.  Bring divine protection when we are innocent; give extra care to those who are suffering.  You alone have overcome the world, and all power and authority is yours.  When evil seems to triumph, help us to treasure the inheritance of your peace you have given us both now and forever.  You live…and we live with you, now and forever.  Amen. 

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