
Reflections Jesus Had on the Cross

Hello everyone!

It’s Holy Week! The last week of Jesus’ life!  

We’re thinking about Him this week as we follow Him to the cross but then also to His empty tomb! Jesus was enduring God’s wrath on the cross, yet fully trusted his heavenly Father at all times. We hear both of those heartfelt reflections coming from Jesus as we look at Psalm 22:1-5.  

To listen click here: Reflections Jesus Had While on the Cross

To watch it by video, click here: Reflections Jesus Had While on the Cross


Dear Lord,
Let our hearts be glad about the words that you spoke on the cross. As you were saying, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”, we look back and reflect on the suffering you endured for our sakes. Help us to look at those words you spoke on the cross with reverence and awe of the amazing power of your love. Let our hearts be glad about the joy of knowing that you did this all for us. So during this Holy Week, as we look at your passion, let us think of you every day in gladness in our hearts. To you be the glory forever and ever.

Nathan Buege
Pastor, Victory of the Lamb Lutheran Church
Katy, TX

“There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” – Romans 8:1
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