
Surrounded by Unfailing Love

“STOP!!!  “We’ve got you surrounded!”

How would you feel if you heard those words while lights flashed around you, and police started coming towards you with handcuffs to arrest you?  It’s scary to think about being surrounded sometimes.  Even though we’re not criminals on the run, we do have situations that can sometimes feel similar.  

When trouble, grief, or worry hits us again and again…if you have no anchor and you have to battle all of those waves on your own….it can be scary and you feel surrounded!  You wonder if you’ll even survive.

However, things are much different when you are surrounded by God and his unfailing love!  Nobody can break through his ability to surround you.  Today we’re moving forward with a couple of verses from Psalm 32 that will help us find so much peace in all situations. 

God bless you and we hope you enjoy this message!
To watch a video of this message, click Surrounded By Unfailing Love
To listen to this message on podcast, click Surrounded By Unfailing Love

PRAYER:  O God of all grace, it is terrifying to be surrounded by guilt, sin, shame, temptation and fear.  Surround me instead with your promises of forgiveness.  Assure me that you will never abandon me to the grave.  No matter what happens, I know that you will abide with me, give me strength to equal my days, and lead me one step at a time towards my heavenly home.  There my problems will stop eternally!  Thank you, gracious Savior, for surrounding me with your unfailing love – love that never dries up.  Amen.

– Prayer today is from the hymn Christ the Sure and Steady Anchor, Christian Worship 812, v.1 and 2

Nathan Buege
Pastor, Victory of the Lamb Lutheran Church
Katy, TX

“There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” – Romans 8:1
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