
The Day of Epiphany

King Herod was worried about his throne being overthrown.  He heard that a baby boy named Jesus was born. He panicked!  But the wisemen were overjoyed hearing that great news of their newborn king being born. This news of the newborn king being born was great news, because Jesus would take care of our sins for us. Listen to a wonderful Epiphany message that is for all of us on:

And here is a prayer for today:

Dear Jesus, you revealed your glory through mighty signs and wonders. Assure us that you still rule all things in the universe and use them to serve our eternal good. In wise compassion you often exercise your power to help and heal people with physical and emotional needs. Give us courage and compassion to relieve the distress of the hurting, to pray for all according to their needs. Give us courage and compassion to relieve the distress of the hurting, to pray for all according to their needs, and to be content and cheerful when in your wisdom you ask us to endure hardship. Amen. 

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