
“The Worthlessness of Wealth in the End”

One of the most important, but stressful, times during a company’s year is audit time.  Trained, objective experts descend on the offices.  Extra work and cooperation is expected from the employees.  Scores of files are taken away to be analyzed.  The financials that the company has published will be compared with the actual bank statements.  Any hidden mistakes will definitely come to light!  It’s a time when the bottom line means everything.

In our Bible verse for today, after King Solomon’s self-audit, the bottom line certainly meant everything to him.  Here’s the verse:  “Wealth is worthless in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death (Proverbs 11:4).” 

Your stocks and bonds.  Your mutual funds and cash.  Your bonuses, 401ks and 403bs.  College savings funds.  Pension plans.  It will all be worthless on the day of wrath!  When God’s holy eyes are staring through your soul, he will accept no bribe.  In the blink of an eye, one billion dollars is suddenly worth as much as a penny. 

However, when wealth becomes worthless, you know what isn’t?  The forgiveness Jesus sends you.  That’s called “righteousness.”  In Christ, everything between you and God is right!  Now, God’s holy eyes stare through your soul, and all he sees is the beauty of Jesus Christ.  You’re never separated from him.  You could be flat broke when you die, and yet also be a spiritual millionaire!  Here’s why: you have Christ’s righteousness, and your relationship with God lasts into eternity!  

Dear Savior,

When I survey the wondrous cross, on which the Prince of Glory died; 
My richest gain, I count but loss – and pour contempt on all my pride. 

Lord, help me always keep my treasure-perspective straight!  Amen.

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