
They Won’t Get Away With It

How do you feel…

  • When a bully overpowers your child with words, but it’s difficult to hold them accountable? 
  • When a gossip is distorting the truth about you, and it seems impossible to set the record straight? 
  • When someone has authority, but is lazy, and everyone else has to work harder to cover their gap?  

During times like these, you want to scream, “BUT THAT ISN’T FAIR!”  But in the verse for today, God assures us that his perfect justice is on the way.  Listen to what he tells us:  “God is just:  He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well.  (2 Thessalonians 1:6).”

Judgment Day is coming!  Sinful people are never in control, even when it seems like they are.  Don’t become an emotional hostage to anyone!  The one bringing you trouble will have to answer to God for their sins against you.  Keep eternity in view at all times.  God promises relief for you, from this, in time!

Yet as you ponder God’s Judgment Day relief, stay humble.  Do not think too highly of yourself.  Remember, God’s justice cuts both ways.  He has no ranking system, and plays no favorites.  So, love all people in Christ.  Because when YOU puff up as a bully, or lose YOUR tongue to destroy others, or leave others scrambling to fill YOUR gaps, YOU will have to answer to God too!

Perfect Judgment Day justice will be handed down one day.  Stay balanced as you wait for your Savior to come back in the clouds!

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, you know that rumor-telling and gossiping are popular activities in this sinful life.  Sadly, much negative entertainment is provided for willing ears far too often.  Help me to live and speak in a way that will contradict all rumors.  Give me many opportunities to speak the truth in love.  Encourage me that anyone who gossips about me will never get away with it – for your perfect justice will hold them accountable.  And then, also encourage me that because I will never get away with it either, it’s important to keep a tight rein on my tongue.  Thank you, Jesus, for promising perfect justice.  It’s in your holy name that I pray.  Amen.

Nathan Buege
Pastor, Victory of the Lamb Lutheran Church
Katy, TX

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