
David and Goliath!

We’re going to continue with our new series of devotions that cover different events that happened to King David from the Old Testament. Today we are going to cover David and Goliath!

Many of us have heard the story of David and Goliath. An amazing victory when a small boy fought and won against a giant who was covered in armor. But it’s not because of what David did. It’s because of what God did! David was confident! Not because he knew he could beat Goliath, but because he knew God would fight FOR him! No matter what came his way.

Join us as we look at 1 Samuel 17:45-47 and discuss this more! 

“David and Goliath!!” is a message you can watch by video here: 
David and Goliath! 

Listen to the “David and Goliath!” message on podcast here:  Devotion: David and Goliath

And here is a prayer for today: 
Lord Jesus, you have overcome the world and all power and authority is yours. When evil seems to triumph, give us courage and faith, and help us never to forget that you are with us everywhere, to the end of time. To you be glory now and forever. Amen.

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