
During Uncertain Times, Focus on Eternal Facts

It’s a strange feeling right now, isn’t it?  We are spinning wildly, and yet at the same time, also slowing down.  What can you say?

I don’t know what to think about all of this. It’s more than a bit confusing. What I do know is what David wrote in Psalm 62: “One thing God has spoken, two things have I heard: Power belongs to you, O God; and with you, Lord, is unfailing love (Psalms 62:11-12).”

We are in the hands of the one who powerfully guides and directs all things.  Period.  The world’s wisest don’t have all the answers for COVID-19 at this time.  They are doing their best – but they are limited.  And, Lord-willing, one day they will arrive at some coronavirus answers.  But will that solve all of the medical problems in the world?  Hardly.  Power will never belong to the world’s scientists. 

But power instead belongs to our God!  His mind is not spinning because of this information.  His control is not thwarted because of a virus.  He is able to use even a pandemic for his glory and his purposes.  Because, not only is he unmatched in power.  He’s also unmatched in his love.

The one who loved us so much that he commissioned his Son to die for our sins will never forsake us. He will bless us through this, even if it strikes close to home. He will strengthen our faith in him, even if our routines are totally different for awhile. 

There’s a lot we don’t know.  But let’s concentrate more on what we DO know: that our God is unmatched in his eternal power, and also his eternal compassion!  He never, ever runs out.  This is on whom we are relying.  This is to whom we are praying.  This is our God, our Savior, our everything!

Prayer:   Heavenly Father, fix my eyes on Jesus.  Help me think more about things above, and less about things below.  Be with those who are directly impacted by the coronavirus.  Keep them safe, preserve their lives, and keep the virus from spreading.  Also, be with all of us who have had our usual lives and routines changed for a time.  Help us to think more about your immense power and love, and less about the question marks of the medical surprise.  Also, Lord, remind us that you have promised you will use even difficult times like these for your glory.  Give us opportunities to spread your calm to someone who is in chaos.  We are so honored to be your holy ambassadors in your world!  It’s in your beautiful, holy name I pray, Amen.

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